Health Screening Services
We offer a seamless Health Screening experience for our patients with packages suitable for evryone.
Consultations will be conducted by your Healthcare Provider to better understand your history and needs, so that the most suitable health screening package will be recommended to you.
Our packages can also be done non-fasting, so you can simply drop by at your convenience for your appointment.
Non-Fasting Health Screening
Studies have shown that Non-Fasting tests are just as accurate, and show no significant differences between fasted and non-fasted blood cholesterol.
The Non-Fasting option is however not suitable for individuals with anaemia, as well as those considering abdominal ultrasound tests as fasting is still required.
Types of Health Screening
General Health Screening
Primary Tests consisting:
Clinical Assessment
Lipids Profile
Diabetic Screen
65 Biomarkers including:
Clinical Assessment
Lipids Profile
Diabetic Screen
Kidney / Renal Function
Bone & Joints Profile
Liver Function
Urine Analysis
70 Biomarkers including:
Clinical Assessment
Lipids Profile
Inflammatory Marker
Diabetic Screen
Kidney / Renal Function
Bone & Joints Profile
Liver Function
Thyroid Function
Hepatitis Screen
(Excl. Anti-HCV)
Tumour Markers
(Excl. Ovary - CA125 & Prostate -PSA)
Urine Analysis
80 Biomarkers including:
Clinical Assessment
Lipids Profile
Inflammatory Marker
Diabetic Screen
Kidney / Renal Function
Bone & Joints Profile
Liver Function
Thyroid Function
Iron Studies
Vitamin Deficiency
Hepatitis Screen
Tumour Markers
Urine Analysis
STD Screening
3 types of STD Tests including:
Clinical Assessment
Syphillis TP Ab (VD)
RPR & TPPA (If Syphillis TP Ab reactive)
5 types of STD Tests including:
Clinical Assessment
Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT)
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (NG)
Syphillis TP Ab (VD)
RPR & TPPA (If Syphillis TP Ab reactive)
Standard +
9 types of STD Tests including:
Clinical Assessment
Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT)
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (NG)
Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG
Syphillis TP Ab (VD)
RPR & TPPA (If Syphillis TP Ab reactive)
Urine FEME
14 types of STD Tests including:
Clinical Assessment
Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT)
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (NG)
Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG
Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg)
Hepaptitis Bs Antibody (HBsAb)
Hepatitis C Antibody Anti-HCV
Syphillis TP Ab (VD)
RPR & TPPA (If Syphillis TP Ab reactive)
Urine Culture
Urine FEME
Allergy Testing
Allergies are very common - approximately 40% of the world's population suffer from different types of allergies, and 14.1% of Singaporeans suffer from allergic rhinitis due to the high humidity levels and and climate here.
People who suffer from allergies can have varying reactions to the allergens, ranging from mild symptoms such as sneezing or runny nose, to more severe and even life-threatening ones such as hives and anaphylactic reactions.
How will the allergy testing be done?
Our Allergy Testing is done by conducting a blood test - the blood sample will be obtained and tested for antibodies against 59 types of allergens to determine which allergens you are allergic to.
Only a minimal amount of sample is required, making our allergy tests suitable even for babies and children.
The process of getting tested for allergies at our Clinics is as follows:
1. Consult
Have a Consultation with our doctors so they can understand and address your concerns.
Our doctors can then evaluate if an allergy test is necessary based on your understanding of your allergies and the severity of the symptoms.
2. Obtain Sample for Testing
Our doctors will obtain the necessary blood samples from you and have it sent off for testing.
3. Review Results
When your results are back, our doctors will inform you and go through the report with you.
A treatment or management plan will then be discussed with you if necessary.
Statutory Health Screening
We also perform health screenings/check-ups as required by the government for various purposes.
These include (but are not limited to):
Foreign Domestic Worker Check-ups (6ME)
Work Permit Renewal Check-ups
PR / Student Pass Application Check-ups
Driving License Renewal Check-ups